Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm a Beach Babe!

Ok, so no one would want to see me in a bikini - or really any sort of swim suit!! But, after a week of trying to stay committed to counting calories, and only one successful day - I've decided to give the South Beach Diet a try.

I read the book YEARS ago, when it was first popular. But I've dusted off the cover and spent much of my day reading both the book and various online websites. I think for now, it's the best option for me. At least worthy of a try! I'm spending much of my afternoon lurking over at the 3 Fat Chicks forums - specifically in the South Beach section. I feel like I'm arming myself with the best knowledge possible.

Unfortuntaely, at the moment my living situation is such that the fridge isn't just mine. (Which has been a downfall for me recently!) So I'm having to really test my will power.

Now if you'll excuse me, my two year old is napping and I finally have a chance to watch last nights "Biggest Loser"!!

1 comment:

  1. Do it! Whatever you think will work for you! I'm here for you all the way and so proud of you!
